about Cotton Brazil

Cotton Brazil is an industry-wide initiative dedicated to promoting the recognition and uptake of Brazilian cotton globally. Our mission is to showcase the quality, sustainability, traceability and reliability of Brazil’s natural cotton fiber.

Valued for its comfort, biodegradability, and natural characteristics, Brazilian cotton appeals to consumers who prioritize both quality and a commitment to sustainability and is a preferred choice in the global market.

Cotton Brazil is an initiative of Abrapa, the Brazilian Cotton Producers Association, ANEA, the Brazilian Cotton Shippers Association, and ApexBrasil, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.

data on Brazilian cotton for the 2023/24 crop

1st largest exporter

In a few years Brazil moved from being a cotton importer to its current exporter position.

3,67 million tons of cotton lint produced

  • 1st cotton yields in drylands
  • Highest cotton yields average in the world without irrigation, at 1,857kg/hectare
  • Currently, 93% of Brazilian cotton is in dryland areas

3rd largest producer

In recent years Brazil has ranked in the top 5 world producers, alongside China, India, USA, and Pakistan.

  • 440 ABR & BCI Certified farms
  • >250 ginning plants
  • Traceability bale by bale
  • 12 HVI laboratories participating in the ABRAPA program
  • More than 17 million HVI tests applied


Brazilian organizations that support Cotton Brazil

a history of resilience

The constant pursuit of innovation is not new.
It began decades ago with the resilient and determined spirit of our farmers. From being a major importer, Brazil has become one of the world’s largest cotton exporters, but it wasn’t without crises, pests, rebuilding, and growth along the way.


Indigenous peoples of Brazil were already using cotton fiber to produce rustic fabrics before the Portuguese arrival.


Fiber production reaches unprecedented commercial levels, becoming an important economic activity in Colonial Brazil.

Early 1980s

Brazil gains prominence in the global market as one of the largest producers and exporters of cotton.


This small insect brought in from abroad devastated cotton fields, especially in the Northeast, destroying entire growing areas.

Early 1990s

800,000 workers lost their income due to the insect infestation. Changes in Brazil’s economic policy also contributed to a more than 60% reduction in the planted area.

Late 1990s

Farmers began to rebuild, using new technologies and investing in the country’s Midwest, where cotton adapted well, creating a promising future.


Abrapa (Brazilian Cotton Growers Association) was founded, an entity that organized farmers and helped disseminate good agricultural practices and implement innovations in cotton cultivation.


ABR (Responsible Brazilian Cotton) is founded, a socio-environmental certification that certifies sustainable practices in national production.


Abrapa creates Sou de Algodão, a unique movement in Brazil that was created to encourage responsible fashion and an increase in fiber consumption in the domestic market.


Cotton Brazil is established as the brand for Brazilian cotton on the world market, promoting events, missions and various actions in countries that are customers of our fiber, with headquarters in Singapore.


The processing units now also receive socio-environmental certification, through the ABR-UBA program.


SouABR is founded, an unprecedented traceability program in the Brazilian textile industry. Since then, collections have been launched in partnerships with major retailers in the country.


The logistics stage is also incorporated into the ABR program, receiving socio-environmental certification with ABR Log.


In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), Abrapa creates the Brazilian Cotton Quality Program, which officially certifies the veracity of the High-Volume Instrument (HVI) reports issued by the country's laboratories.

Today, Brazil is one of the largest cotton producers and exporters, with socio-environmental certification.

cotton br


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